Refund Policy

Thank you for choosing TOMAMODERNARNIS. We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help.

Refund Conditions

To be eligible for a refund, please ensure that:

  1. The item was purchased in the last 30 days.
  2. The item is in its original packaging.
  3. The item isn't used or damaged.

Steps to Initiate a Refund

To initiate a refund, please follow the steps below:

  1. Contact our customer support to request a refund.
  2. Provide the receipt or proof of purchase.
  3. Ship items back to our address as instructed by the support team.

Contact Us

Contact Information

Address: 123 Martial Arts Lane, Springfield, IL 62701

Phone: (217) 555-0199

Email: [email protected]